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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana Series 3

Author: Kwench / June 9, 2021 17:16

Kwench Yoga Challenge Pawanmuktasana 3 is a 15 min follow along for beginners which will increase Back Strength and Flexibility (Paraspinal and Intervetebral Muscles) and facilitate free flow of Energy.

The Pavamuktasana Series 3. is a slightly advanced practice, This series is also called the ‘Energy Block Group of Postures known as Shakti Bandha Asanas.

Energy flows throughout our body through Nadi’s or Energy Channels. This energy gets blocked in certain areas due to various reasons.

These practices will help to remove the blockages and facilitate free flow of energy. It will strengthen the spine and the back.

On a cautionary note, people with any heart condition, slip disc and hernia should avoid this challenge.

Rajju Karshanasana

The first movement in this series is ‘Pulling the Rope’, known as Rajju Karshanasana in Sanskrit.

Sit in base position with your back upright and feet together in front of you. Rest your palms on the knees. Inhale. Raise both your arms straight up in the air and close your fists with your thumb underneath the fingers. While exhaling, lower your right hand imagining that you are a pulling rope down using all your strength.

Pavanmukasana 3 Rajju Karshana Asana

Now inhale and raise the left arm in order to hold the imaginary rope. Pull it down while exhaling. Keep the awareness with the breath and movement simultaneously. Repeat 6 times with each arm

Gattyatmak Meru Vakrasana

The next movement is ‘ Dynamic Spinal Twist, known as Gattyatmak Meru Vakrasana in Sanskrit.  Sit with your back upright and feet separated at a comfortable distance.

Pavamuktasana 3 Gattyatmak Meru Vakrasana

Raise the arms to shoulder height. Exhale and with your right hand try to touch the left toe. Now inhale coming back to the centre and exhale while touching the left hand to your right toe. Repeat 6 times on each side.  Keep the awareness on the breath and movement. Feel the squeeze in the abdomen.

Nauka Sanchalanasana

The next movement is ‘ Rowing the boat’ , known as Nauka Sanchalanasana in Sanskrit. Sit with your back straight and feet together in front of you. Inhale and with your hands imagine that you are holding the oars of an imaginary boat. 

Pavanmuktasana Nauka Chalana

While exhaling straighten your arms and bend through the lower back extending your arms all the way to the front. Inhale and return back to base position. This will complete one imaginary rowing action. Repeat 6 times. Exhale when you bend and inhale while straightening. Now perform the movement in the opposite direction. Repeat 6 times. Maintain the breathing pattern.   

Kashtha Takshanasana

The next movement is ‘Chopping of the wood’ known as Kashtha Takshanasana in Sanskrit. Sit in squat position with your arms between the knees clasping both palms together. Raise the arms over the head without bending the elbows.

Pavanmuktasana Kastha Takshana

Now bring the arms down forcefully making a ‘HA’ sound pushing the air out of your lungs. Now inhale and raise your arms to repeat the movement 6 times. This movement releases aggression and other negative emotions.


'The next movement is the ‘Salutation Pose known as ‘Namaskarasana in Sanskrit. While sitting in Squat position, bring your arms in between the knees and palms together in the Namaskara position. Inhale and slowly raise the chin up. While exhaling extend the arms and drop your chin into the throat pit. Use your knees to push the elbows.

Pavanmuktasana 3 Namaskarasana

Now inhale and raise your head and bring your arms back to Namaskar position. Repeat 3 times. This movement will increase the flexibility of spine and the hips. 

Vayu Nishkasana

'The next movement is ‘Wind Release Pose’ known as Vayu Nishkasana in Sanskrit. While sitting in Squat position place your fingers under soles of your feet while your elbows touch the inner thighs.

Pavanmuktasana 3 Vayu Nishkasana

 Inhale and raise the chin up. Exhale and raise the buttocks while straightening the knees. Inhale and sit back in starting position. Repeat 3 times.  This movement will help you to get rid of excess wind and toxins.

Kauva Chalasana

The next movement is ‘Crow Walking’  known as Kauva Chalasana in Sanskrit. While in squat position place your palms on the knees. Come on the toes and take the first step with the left foot. This is starting position.

Pavanmuktasana 3 Kauva Chalana

Now take another small step with the right foot. Turn back your right shoulder by pushing gently the right knee. Exhale. This will twist your spine. Look as far back as possible.  Inhale and take the next step with your left leg. Repeat the twisting action on the left. Perform the complete movement walking backwards. Repeat the walk two more times. This is a modified version where we have coupled the abdominal twist with the crow walk. Return back to a comfortable sitting posture. 

Pavanmuktasana 3 Samasthiti

Sit still and observe your breath as your inhale and exhale. Feel the breath entering your nostrils filling up your lungs causing the chest to expand. As the chest contracts, feel the air being pushed out by the lungs through the nostrils. Close your eyes  and let your body relax. Let it loose starting from the top of your head , forehead, eyes, and cheeks. Loosen your shoulders ,hold your chest high and release the abdominal muscles. Now feel the relaxing sensation in your lower back, buttocks, thighs, knees and feet. You feel relaxed like never before. You are calm like never before. Stay in this position and experience the calmness.

'Maharshi Patanjali says  तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम्॥३॥

When in Yoga you are in your natural state. You will experience happiness from within. This state of happiness will remain as long as you practice and  will make you feel calm.