Human Body – a temple of the divine.
Yoga constantly reminds us that our Body is the Temple of the Divine. It where divinity dwells in and as Human. The role of Yogic practices is to control the external and internal variables so that...
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You cannot practice Meditation.
Constant technological interruptions and targetted interventions have been successful in preventing us from achieving concentration; a fundamental building block of physical, mental, creative, spir...
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What develops Sattva ?
The path of liberation starts within. We have potent forces inside, which, if devised wisely. The Gunas belong to the intelligence and not to the self. They subdue each other, which means a guna wi...
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Sattva – Power of Goodness
The psychological consequences of rajas and tamas make the endeavour of controlling the mind impossible; Sattva is the only constituent that saves mind control from being a hopeless task...
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The Three Gunas Model of the Mind - S...
Sattva is the highest of all gunas. It is synonymous to purity, knowledge and joy. Rajas whereas is the principle of aspiration, enthusiasm, longing and restlessness and Tamas is the lowest of all...
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Mind Control through Abhyasa & Vairagya
It is extremely difficult to control the mind. Hence no failure should not be taken seriously and no success as final. Failures, instead should be spurs to more determined, sustained and intelligen...
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Mind and Matter - in light of Yoga
Though the Mind seems to cognize but it is not the cognizer, it is not the source of light even if it seems luminous. It borrows its radiance from the Self (Atman) and acts just as an internal inst...
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Yoga and Religion
Ethical life cannot be a substitute for spiritual awakening as it is only the basis for consciousness to evolve. For Yoga to happen, Body and Mind must be truly refined. This highest experience cal...
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Yoga Sutra, the Darshana of Patanjali
Yoga is the technique to arrest our awareness and gradually bring it from the state of being disturbed and being all over the place to gradually becoming calm , focussed and ultimately concentrated...
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Yoga - the Roots
In Hinduism, Yoga is one of the sixteen systems of philosophy or 'Darshana'. The systems when arranged from the Vedanta point of view, form an ascending order beginning with Charvaka – the Indian M...
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Mind Muscle Connection
The Mind Muscle Connection. Everyone seems to have an idea about it. But what does it actually mean? We dive deep, break it down and go to the root of this hallowed phrase. And in the process try t...
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Ayurveda - Hygiene, Diet, Exercise & ...
The nature of Ayurveda is prevention rather than curing. In Ayurveda, great importance has given to hygiene, diet, exercise, massage, etc. Let us see what the treatises like Charaka Samhita and Sus...
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Yoga and Food
Ayurveda guides as to what to eat, what not to eat, how to eat, types of food to eat etc. Ayurveda says that complexion, voice, strength, satisfaction, knowledge, happiness, etc are dependent of t...
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Happiness, Wellbeing & Self-Realisation
Though Health is defined as a state physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease, current models of Wellbeing donot take into account all the aspects and levels of H...
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Diet and Mind - Food for Thought
When the food is pure, the mind becomes pure. When the mind becomes pure, memory becomes firm. And when a man is in possession of firm memory, all the bonds that tie him down to the world are relea...
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Ayurveda - Etymology and Definition
Not only is Ayurveda a theory of medical science but is a philosophy of life and lifestyle. It literally means ‘the Science of Life’. The word Ayurveda can be split into two words; āyu (आयु) and ve...
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Gyms Open Vs Gyms Closed
We have seen in current tough times where many young and physically fit people succumbing to the pandemic. Fitness now, more than ever needs a broader definition than limiting it to body image and ...
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Why am I scared of being alone with m...
Constant stream of uncontrollable thoughts can be a roller coaster ride, difficult to get a grip on. To recognise and become aware of these feelings and emotions is the beginning of the process of...
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Why do I feel disconnected ?
When was the last time you intentionally disconnected with all that is happening around you? Had a quite time for yourself? Spent it on observing what is going on in between your ears? Could have b...
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Why do I find Meditation to be hard ?
Meditation is tough. It needs lots of consistent work. To almost all of us, it does not come naturally. If you think rewiring you mind is easy, think again. But the best thing you are doing is tryi...
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Why can't I stop my mind from racing?
Occasional racing of thoughts is normal. The point that you are aware that of it is splendid. Instead of trying to control your thoughts, use the same attention to control your breath and you will ...
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Why can’t I sit still?
There could multiple things that could be preventing you from being still. But that is not the point. Point is to still sit. Every day, for the same amount of time, at the same time, no matter wher...
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Wearing the right Gym Vest or Stringe...
If your looking for a new men's Yoga or gym vest then Kwench is your brand. Practicing yoga or working out in a tank top or vest at the gym or Yoga studio not only displays your hard earned muscle ...
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You cannot win in life when you are losing in your mind. Inner strength and a positive attitude are indispensable assets to achieving any goal. So, hit the neighbourhood gym, go for a run or do yog...
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If there is one thing that you can definitely count on in life, it’s inconsistency. Life as a journey always endures ups and downs. We encounter challenges and obstacles at every step. Opportunitie...
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Inner strength building is neither an easy nor a quick task. It is a lifelong process. There will be road bumps along the way to achieve that strength but it will be a path worth travelling.
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Padmasana - The Full Lotus
Our body is restless and cannot be still for long. Asana practice helps us to gain restraint and control over the body so that it behaves as we want it. Hatha Yoga is aims to bring strength and fle...
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Yoga for beginners | Surya Namaskar w...
The Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is devoted to the worship of the Sun. It is generally done at the beginning of any yoga Practice and acts as a great body warming flow. Suryanamaskar is a combi...
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Yoga for beginners - Vajrasana Series 1
The Vajra or thunderbolt is the weapon of Lord Indra, the King of the Gods. In Sanskrit the term 'Vajra' relates to firm, determined & decisive Awareness. In yogic context, Vajra refers to Vajr...
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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana S...
The Pavamuktasana Series 3. is a slightly advanced practice, This series is also called the ‘Energy Block Group of Postures known as Shakti Bandha Asanas. it will help to remove the blockages and f...
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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana S...
Pavanmuktasana Series 2 is targeted towards the digestive system and will help people suffering from digestive disorders like excess of wind or gas, acidity , indigestion, constipation, IBS and man...
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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana S...
If you have never done Yoga before, follow along the Pawanmuktasana Series 1 for Strength Flexibility and Healthy Joints. It is a great program for beginners and is easy to perform regardless of y...
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Strength Training uses progressively heavier resistance to stimulate muscle development. It increases muscle fiber size, contractile and tensile strength in tendons and ligaments and has an increas...
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Diwali, Deepavali, Yaksharatri, Dipam...
Though commonly known as the ‘festival of light’; Dipāwalī has much more spiritual, tradional and cultural significance in India. Light destroys the darkness. Dipāwalī is celebrated to destroy the ...
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Musing on Indian Music
Indian music is the part of the spiritual consciousness of the Indian subcontinent. The earliest reference of music in India or for that matter in the entire world is credited to the Vedic period w...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - Archaelogical...
The presence of Iron and Horse in the bronze age Indus Valley Civilisation of Harappa and Mohenjodaro are often cited as material evidence of the Foreign Aryan Invasion upon the indigenious culture...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - Debunked.
No matter what factual evidence is presented by Indian scientists, scholars, archaelogists, the Western academia cannot accept that the imaginary Aryan Invasion Theory planted to degrade the Indian...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - The Origins
In 1866, in the letter to his wife, Max Muller observed that “ It (Rigveda) is the root of their religion and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, is the only way of uprooting all that has s...
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Human Body – a temple of the divine.
The body, mind and soul - the very nature of human body resembles the temple in its very idea of worship. Every temple is a reminder of the essence of the Universe itself. Every temple is the refle...
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You cannot practice Meditation.
Good Morning ! We have come to a situation, wherein the first thing you do when you wake up is to look for your phone. Check whatsapp , facebook, emails, messages. This is first input that is given...
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What develops Sattva ?
The path of liberation starts within. We have potent forces inside, which, if devised wisely can help us control the mind. But, care should be taken that we do not engage in the blind crazy fight, ...
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Sattva – Power of Goodness
Pleasure is what pleasing for the moment, whereas happiness is long lasting and brings joy even after the activity is over. Many a time we find ourselves in between choosing that which is pleasant ...
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The Three Gunas Model of the Mind - S...
According to Hindu analysis the mind has three constituents’ sattva, rajas and tamas. These are known as Gunas. ‘Guna’ is a Sanskrit word which has no equivalent word in English. Used in Samkya phi...
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Mind Control through Abhyasa & Vairagya
Mind is the problem, Mind is the solution. Nothing affects us more than our minds and hence, every one of us tries to control it. Seldom have we achieved success in our endeavor which makes us cur...
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Mind and Matter - in light of Yoga
The illumined teachers of India, besides being knower of truth, were masters of human psychology and compassionate preceptors. Through investigations and verifications they have developed a great u...
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Yoga and Religion
To understand the difference between Religion and Yoga, it’s important to know difference between Religion and Dharma. Religion may have its origin from latin word ‘religio’ meaning ‘good faith’, r...
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Yoga Sutra, the Darshana of Patanjali
Change is constant. Constant continuous change, reflect upon and within us impacting our awareness in various magnitudes. Every input to the mind is a cause which has an effect in terms of fluctuat...
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Yoga - the Roots
‘Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them’ said Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the 20th century. But to accept our limits we should rightly understand our limits. How to achieve thi...
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Mind Muscle Connection
How does a muscle work ? What is Muscle Contraction ? Is Asana a Workout ? Which is better - Workout or Asana ? There are more than 600 muscles in our body. The muscles attached to the bones ...
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Ayurveda - Hygiene, Diet, Exercise & ...
The nature of Ayurveda is prevention rather than curing. In Ayurveda, great importance has given to hygiene, diet, exercise, massage, etc. Several chapters in Ayurvedic treatises are spent on these...
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Yoga and Food
Āhāra is Sanskrit term of food. According to Ayurveda, food is the life of living beings. Hence all livings are cautious about food. Importance of food in human life is stated in bellow verse, प्रा...
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Happiness, Wellbeing & Self-Realisation
What is Hedonic Wellbeing ? What is Eudaemonic Wellbeing ? What is the Six Factor Model of Psychological Wellbeing? Which is Dharmic Model of Self-Realisation? Which is relation between Sankhya &...
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Diet and Mind - Food for Thought
A calm and composed mind is the Mind dominated by the Sattva Guna, the state in which knowledge and insights are gained. Constitution of mind can be changed gradually by providing mind with the wh...
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Ayurveda - Etymology and Definition
Introduction to Ayurveda Ayurveda (आयुर्वेदः) is a traditional Indian system of Health Science, which originated in India thousands of years ago alongside the practice of Yoga. Maharshi Patanjali,...
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Gyms Open Vs Gyms Closed
So Gyms are opening in some countries while they are shutting down in others. The thing about being happy with Gyms opening; is that there will be misery when they close ! Are we so vulnerable tha...
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Why am I scared of being alone with m...
Why is getting to know myself scary? I am not consistent because I am scared of being alone with myself ?Is it normal to be scared of your own thoughts ? How to control your thoughts when you have ...
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Why do I feel disconnected ?
Because you are. At the pace we are at, it is absolutely normal to lose contact with ourselves. So much stuff happening all the time in and around you, forget about getting ahead, just keeping tr...
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Why do I find Meditation to be hard ?
Why do I find Meditation to be particularly hard ?Why do I find meditation boring ?Why do I become restless while meditating ?Why does things seem to slow down while meditating ? Why am I unable to...
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Why can't I stop my mind from racing?
You cant. Most of us cant. Stop trying. Let it do what it wants. Occasional racing of thoughts is normal. The point that you are aware that of it is splendid. To be restless and hyperactive is sec...
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Why can’t I sit still?
So you’ve been trying! That is a good start. Remember you one of very few people who have . Most people in entire world would have spent their entire life without even trying. Remember the first st...
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Wearing the right Gym Vest or Stringe...
If you want to get the the most from your practice, training or workouts, a vest really is the best workout top to wear… Freedom of movement : No matter which body part your are traning for or whic...
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With the fast pace of daily life, regular exercise has become a critical factor in improving not only physical strength and endurance, but inner strength and confidence as well. Benefits of differ...
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If there is one thing that you can definitely count on in life, it’s inconsistency. Life as a journey always endures ups and downs. We encounter challenges and obstacles at every step. Opportunitie...
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Being STRONG. What does it mean? Various definitions in Dictionaries include the following: Having or marked by great physical power Having moral or intellectual power Having great resources (as w...
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Padmasana - The Full Lotus
Just as the Mind cannot Concentrate for a long time due its own desires, similarly the body is restless and cannot be still in one posture for long. The body is restless because the Pranas are re...
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Yoga for beginners | Surya Namaskar w...
Kwench Yoga Challenge Surya Namaskar 10 min follow along Sun Salutation sequence for beginners including the Mantra accompanying every movement. Surya Namaskar - Sun Worship It is impossible to im...
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Yoga for beginners - Vajrasana Series 1
Kwench Yoga Challenge Vajrasana 1 is a 20 min follow along for beginners which will increase Sexual Control and overall stability of the mind. Vairagya or the emotional distance acquired over the...
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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana S...
Kwench Yoga Challenge Pawanmuktasana 3 is a 15 min follow along for beginners which will increase Back Strength and Flexibility (Paraspinal and Intervetebral Muscles) and facilitate free flow of En...
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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana S...
Kwench Yoga Challenge Pawanmuktasana 2 is a 20 min follow along for beginners to improve digestion and reduce bloating after High Protein Intake. Digestive problems are the basis of almost all dis...
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Yoga for beginners - Pavanmuktasana S...
If you have never done Yoga before, follow along for Strength Flexibility and Healthy Joints. The Pawanmuktasana Series 1 is a great program for beginners because it is easy to perform regardless o...
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Resistance exercise is concerned with working the bodies muscle groups and building strength. “It is recommended that adults train each major muscle group two or three days each week using a variet...
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Diwali, Deepavali, Yaksharatri, Dipam...
Introduction Season and Tithi of the festival Vedik Origins of Dipāwali Itihasa and Puranic Legends Way of celebration Govatsa Dwadasi Dhanatrayodasi Naraka Caturdasi Lakṣmi Puja Bali Pratipada Y...
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Musing on Indian Music
Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni expanded respectively as Sadja, Rishaba, Gandhara, Madhyama, Panchama, Dhaivata, Nishada are the seven svaras of Indian music. They are like the seven colours of sun...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - Archaelogical...
Iron and Horse - The material evidence of Aryans are debated around this two lethal components of war. The bronze age civilisations of Harappa and Mohenjadaro did not possess this two components a...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - Current Impact
As Koenrad Elst said… ‘’Until the mid 19th Century , no Indian had ever heard of the notion that his ancestors could be Aryan Invaders from Central Asia who had destroyed the native civilisation ...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - Debunked.
The concept of Aryan Invasion theory got its momentum in 1786 after Sir William Jones declared that Sanskrit and most of the European languages have a common origin. Subsequently, with the discover...
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Aryan Invasion Theory - The Origins
The Aryan Invasion Theory states that the Vedic people mentioned by the Oriental historians, who were responsible for writing the Vedic texts are not indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. They wer...
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